Available Formatters#
Each of the generator properties (like name
, address
, and lorem
) are called "formatters". A faker generator has
many of them, packaged in "providers". Here is a list of the bundled formatters in the default locale.
In all examples, a Faker instance is made using the en_US
default locale.
$faker = Faker\Factory::create();
title($gender = null|'male'|'female') // 'Ms.'
titleMale() // 'Mr.'
titleFemale() // 'Ms.'
suffix() // 'Jr.'
name($gender = null|'male'|'female') // 'Dr. Zane Stroman'
firstName($gender = null|'male'|'female') // 'Maynard'
firstNameMale() // 'Maynard'
firstNameFemale() // 'Rachel'
lastName() // 'Zulauf'
cityPrefix() // 'Lake'
secondaryAddress() // 'Suite 961'
state() // 'NewMexico'
stateAbbr() // 'OH'
citySuffix() // 'borough'
streetSuffix() // 'Keys'
buildingNumber() // '484'
city() // 'West Judge'
streetName() // 'Keegan Trail'
streetAddress() // '439 Karley Loaf Suite 897'
postcode() // '17916'
address() // '8888 Cummings Vista Apt. 101, Susanbury, NY 95473'
country() // 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)'
latitude($min = -90, $max = 90) // 77.147489
longitude($min = -180, $max = 180) // 86.211205
phoneNumber() // '827-986-5852'
phoneNumberWithExtension() // '201-886-0269 x3767'
tollFreePhoneNumber() // '(888) 937-7238'
e164PhoneNumber() // '+27113456789'
catchPhrase() // 'Monitored regional contingency'
bs() // 'e-enable robust architectures'
company() // 'Bogan-Treutel'
companySuffix() // 'and Sons'
jobTitle() // 'Cashier'
realText($maxNbChars = 200, $indexSize = 2)
// "And yet I wish you could manage it?) 'And what are they made of?' Alice asked in a shrill, passionate voice. 'Would YOU like cats if you were never even spoke to Time!' 'Perhaps not,' Alice replied."
realTextBetween($minNbChars = 160, $maxNbChars = 200, $indexSize = 2)
// "VERY short remarks, and she ran across the garden, and I had not long to doubt, for the end of the bottle was NOT marked 'poison,' it is right?' 'In my youth,' Father William replied to his ear."